Saturday, November 8, 2008


I am very desagree with this statement because there are many things that we could do to save our planet. According to many surveys, there are many harmful social costumes and habits that we could give up doing to prevent more damage to the invioroment. In addition to this, we could put on different events or healthy party to raise awereness about this issue. So here some ideas:

1. Sellect our garbish into different plastic containers.
2. Make meetings in your neighbourhood to show your neighbours which habits they have to acquire to clean the pets' mess on the treet.
3. Imform to the local authorities if there is any industry dropping toxic waste to the river or sea, because it could cause deaths and extinction of some plants and animals.
4. Say your neighbours that they could decrease the pollution if they share their cars, use their bikes and smoke less.
5. You can create a blog to imform which are the animals that are facing extinction for the effects of the greenhouse.
7. We could put on a healthy party where we could promote a healthy food such as vegetables, fruit and seafood.

So, We could do many things to decrease the pollution and live in better condition so the only thing that we should do is to change our noisy and disgasting habits.

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